Friday 22 December 2023

A walk, a hero and a completed project

Actually the title is a bit of a misnomer. There are pictures from two walks below. Two walks that could easily have been done together. But still two different days.

First this example of topical topiary.

The next day the Margravina and I took a walk from Petersham (by the Thames between Richmond and Kingston) into Richmond for a spot of light lunch in French place that specialises in galettes (savoury pancakes made from buckwheat). Afterwards we walked back along the river to the car.

This chap was spotted.

Then this one! Answers on a postcard.

Petersham Meadows. It was not as late as it looks.

Back to that post title being a misnomer. I don’t know about Bernardo O’Higgins (seems 1 too many Os), but that ‘completed project’ is only completed in the narrowest sense. I still need to make those trees for the roadsides (‘garnish’ as Monsieur Broom terms them) and acquire some suitable Italian style buildings. But here we are, one small Spanish force and one, slightly smaller, Piedmontese force.

One of the Piedmontese cavalry units (2 bases) is actually a tweaked and re-purposed French unit. I only had enough figures for one but there was a spare pack of horse grenadiers in bearskins. A flick through the French cavalry pages on Kronoskaf showed me that a few regiments switched to bearskins so now I have two such units.

Hopefully I’ll find the time over the next 10 days to fit in a small game with them.

If I don’t catch you before, Merry Christmas!


  1. Nice work on the two armies Chris, they do look good!
    I had to Google O'Higgins - quite a character by the sound of things!
    Re the images of your walk and particularly the gloomy looking sky - that's the trouble with this time of year in the north - it can look like twilight at 3pm on some days! When I was growing up in Montrose in NE Scotland, we had a couple of months of the year where it was dark on the way to school (0830) and dark again on the way home (1600)!

    1. That pic was not long after 2. The storm clouds didn’t help.
      All the best.

  2. Merry Christmas! You made short work of fielding Spanish and Piedmontese. Which battle are you planning for the inaugural outing of these armies?

    1. And Merry Christmas to you Jon. I don’t know which battle yet. I need to do a bit of ‘research’. The small ones I can think of off the top of my head are either French v Piedmontese or Spanish v Austrians.

  3. The Season's greetings to you and yours , Tony

    1. And to you Tony and the Svjek family.

  4. As ever l enjoyed photos of your dérive. Figures looking great I await a battle report with interest.
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Thanks Alan. I don’t know what and when yet. A one-off historical refight or a table-top campaign like last year, but focused on Italy.

  5. Nicely done matey. It didn’t take you long to produce those units and they look tickety boo - more on the way? Merry Chrimbo to you and yours too while I’m at it!

    1. More on the way? Who can tell? 😁
      Joyeux Noel.

  6. Some fine walks all along the Thames where you are for sure. SWMBO and I even managed a walk out together a few days ago, shockingly the first since late Summer we reckoned. A mix of the weather, illness and family needs meant not chances since then. Lovely to actually get out after so long.

    The two small forces look excellent and hope you can get a game in soon, but always tricky at this time of year.

    As for the giraffe, well words fail me!

    1. Glad to hear that you and SWMBO got out for a walk.
      I don’t know whether that giraffe is a prank or ‘art’. Nor why it isn’t ‘spotted’ like a giraffe 🤔

  7. Nice walks and armies Chris. All the best to you and your family for Christmas.

    1. Thank you Ben. And Merry Christmas to you and yours.

  8. Good to see Spanish and Piedmontese progress, I look forward to seeing them in action, with suitable 'Italian' trees..19th Century South America threw up all sorts of characters like O'Higgins, Bolivar, Garibaldi even - an interesting variation for Napoleonic players?
    Merry Xmas to you and the family!

    1. Yes. I can imagine that the Liberation Wars throw up some interesting takes on Napoleonic warfare.
      All the best!

  9. Nice looking armies, the weather has been challenging the last few days up here. Have a good Christmas 👍

    1. It’s been wet and windy down here, so I can imagine how bad it is up there. Clouds are scudding across the sky today at a heck of a lick.
      Hope you have a great Christmas Matt.

  10. Excellent update. I have to remind myself more often to look in your blog.
