Friday 1 July 2022

Update #2 - State of the Nation Q2 Report

Three months ago I laid my soul bare on my health related plans and targets. The plan was to swim 20km, walk 50km each month and lose 10kg over the year. Like General Browning after Market-Garden I can report that the first two objective areas have gone, errr swimmingly, but the third target was a Bridge Too Far. (Bulge Too Fat surely?).



Swim (km)



Walk ((km)



Weight (kg)



The first 3 months of the year saw a drop of 2kg but that all went back on, especially around times of watching football. Or more precisely, the social activities around watching football. To extend the Bulge Too Far analogy even further, it was my own personal 'Groesbelly Heights'.

You'll notice how easily the walking target was exceeded, I can crank it up to 75km a month for the second half year. The swimming target was exceeded by a lower percentage. I'd like to push it up to 25km a month, but am less optimistic on that.

The weight. Hmm. Will have to see about that.

On matters wargaming, I'd have failed even more abysmally if I'd set targets to exceed the first quarter. 3 games in Q1 v 2 games* in Q3. No models made or painted either. But it's purely a hobby, so no targets are going to be set. Hopefully the end of the month will see the return of face-to-face gaming. Of that more anon.




  1. Well done with Eindhoven and Nimegan Chris 😀 Personally, I am not sure the type of exercise you are doing has a big impact on weight, I go through spurts of long bush walks etc, but I have sat at the same weight for about eight to ten years. It's not huge by many people's standards , but I am about fifteen kg heavier now than I was twenty years ag, and I have not added fifteen kg of muscle in that time!

  2. I learned years ago in a previous failed campaign that exercise does not impact weight. At least not what I do. I just get hungrier and eat more. Also I improved my swimming stroke a little bit (hard going for a while) but much more efficient, so ironically harder to burn calories.
    It takes a lot of discipline to simply eat less. Must try harder.

  3. Well done old fruit. Wish I had your determination. As to the gaming - yeah it’s only a hobby. To be honest its been nice to get a look at the sites on some of your walks, so those kind of posts are just as welcome as any battle reports. Being a lifelong Grimsby supporter I’d have thought you’d have grown up too stressed to ever put on weight - unless it’s comfort eating. Lol.

    1. I think it’s the comfort drinking that’s the problem.
      I blame my old pal, Lincolnshire Tom, for suggesting we get the train to games, meaning that neither of us has to abstain. This coincided with the second quarter weight regain.

  4. Congratulations on the exercise front. Weight control, for me, can be a struggle. When I crank up the mileage, there is an accompanying ratcheting up of food intake too. Still early season for me here in the PNW. By late summer if I have not dropped some “winter weight” I will be surprised. Each year, it becomes increasingly more difficult to drop this extra baggage.

    As for gaming, I am setting up a WAS battle for HoW on the table this weekend. Working on the scenario now. If you are interested in playing remotely again, let me know.

    1. Thanks Jon. That’s very tempting. This weekend is a no go for me I’m afraid.

    2. Not this weekend, for sure. I am still working out scenario details.

  5. It is so hard to lose weight I have put on lots since my wife died . I too find if I walk a lot ( what passes for excercise for me) l eat more. I am trying to eat less but it is difficult. I reach for the crisps etc when l feel very low or stressed. I know it is wrong but I do. My wardrobe shames me as it has so many clothes I cannot wear now. The target is to try and lose the five or six kg I have put on since January. I need to snack less on cheese, be disciplined, self controlled but l am trying, honest.

    1. It must be a lot harder for you. I think I’d really struggle.

  6. Hang in their exercise is good for us all 👍

  7. I heard a cross country coach say once: : "you can't outrun your fork". Exercise is a great way to supplement diet plans, but the real loss comes from what are or are not eating.

    1. Hi Steve. I love that phrase. 😁 Simple principle isn’t it!

    2. Or, in the totally un PC phrase of that world renowned life coach, Kate Moss..." Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels!"

  8. I've managed to lose enough weight to notice the difference on my waist line this year, purely down to minimising the amount of snacking that I was doing, which had been hard but worthwhile as I feel better for it. The exercise levels in terms of biking could go up more, but it's not always easy to find the time at present.

    Keep at it and I'm sure oyu will get there!

    1. Good work Steve. Sounds like you have the self-discipline I lack at the moment.

  9. I also struggle to lose weight - but keep moving. I think you are doing well with the walking and the swimming and you can also be proud that you have not put on any weight! I always count the month as a win if no weight is added. :)

    1. Thanks Ben. That's a very positive way of looking at it 😀
