Tuesday 30 January 2024

Campaign Delays and Tweaks......and diplomatic language

Nearly a month into the new year and I haven't got around to playing the solo campaign. A mixture of lethargy, tiredness, work, other pastimes and time spent with the Margravina has put the breaks on.  A week ago I was seriously thinking of switching the campaign to a 'play by map' format and fight the battles out on the tabletop. This would lengthen the overall time taken to play the campaign, but at least allow some map moves in spare moments. I dithered around with this ("I haven't got any Italian looking trees made yet") until eventually I got to Friday and I set the table up after work for the 'play on table' format. This is where the whole campaign area is set-up on the table. Hexes are about 40 miles across. Thus:

Northern Italy and part France - castles indicate ports: Toulon, Nice and Genoa. River is the Po (only one shown on the whole board). The church to its western end represents Turin. Hexes with trees represent mountains

The whole "map" of Italy. I didn't represent the heel and foot. The leftmost column of hexes will represent the sea - I need to cover it in something blue. The "city/port" towards the bottom left is Naples, next one up Rome. A northern biased map. On reflection I've probably made the leg too wide near the bottom.

Moves will represent a month of time. Troops will move at 2 hexes per turn unless they cross mountains or the Po. All other rivers and difficult terrain (towns and villages are assume to slow movement right down) are "factored in". Unlike my general AWS campaign a year ago, the Alps can be crossed, but passes are closed to armies for several months of the year, and stacking is limited to represent the effect of narrow valleys on columns. This should prevent the French and Spanish amassing overwhelming numbers on the Piedmontese unless the latter leave the passes unchallenged.

I recently bought some 1:2400 ships from Magister Militum, to represent the Gallispan and British fleets. My, they are tiny! You have to glue on masts and some sails. You can imagine how that went! I managed to get 4 done in an hour before I gave up. I'll try to finish the rest before the weekend and given them a shoddy coat of paint. Wonder if anyone in the house has some tweezers.

As luck would have it, on Saturday evening the 17-year olds wanted a small gathering in the Kriegskabinett, so the gang could plan their post-A-Level trip. My nerves about gangling youths knocking the table were unnecessary, I'm pleased to say. And in a boost to my ego, one of them asked me if those were "Albanian style eagles" on the flags - I hand paint my flags on these 6mm figures, so I was 'dead chuffed'* the eagles on the Austrian flags were recognised as such.


And finally (as they used to say on the News before items about skateboarding squirrels and the like), I came across the missive below on anti-social meeja. I do hope it's genuine.


  1. Bloody brillant. Laughed my socks off. That’s one hell of a big campaign map you’ve got going on there by the way - has it left you any room to sit down for zoom gaming?

  2. Italy never looked better than your table arrangement.

    1. You’ve got to use your imagination a fair bit 😊

  3. The stage is set! “Albanian style eagles” is a very esoteric call. You sure you shouldn’t attempt to recruit that young ‘un for wargaming? The letter made me laugh too.

    1. I haven’t got a cat in Hell’s chance of recruiting her! At least her twin played a couple of games with her brother’s old LOTR figures. But this one wouldn’t touch them.

  4. Looks L shaped, which was what you proposed some time back, if I recall correctly! I also hope that 1943 memo is real - the SCW militia CNT always brings a smile to the face but this one tops that by quite some margin!

    1. I’d forgotten about them! Even had it emblazoned on their flags.

  5. Interesting. I'd have gone for the map option. The table looks good if somewhat impractical......
    I do hope the letter is genuine.......☺

    1. It’ll have to do I’m afraid.

  6. Your "table" is looking interesting. I'm excited to learn more.

    1. What would you like to know André? A bit no about the rules framework?

  7. I love the 'campaign on a table' idea, and it looks suitably Italian to me! Hope to see how the campaign turns out, soon - is Madonna Dell'Olmo there somewhere?

    1. I pinched the idea/leveraged the intellectual capital of the Polemarch. He ran the ‘whole GNW on a table’. But I misunderstood his game construct when I ran my ‘whole WAS on a table’ last year. But it worked!

      MdO is not shown but Cuneo is. It’s the hex just south of Turin. I fudged things to fit it in so there could well be a battle there.

  8. Looks great Chris and set to go. Looking forward to the reports.
    Very funny letter.

    1. Letter courtesy of historian Peter Caddick-Adams who boosted it on the Twitter.

  9. This campaign layout is impressive! I wish you the best of luck with it.

  10. Fingers crossed you get some time to play out your campaign Chris. I have a simple game set up but fear I'm coming down with Covid that SWMBO has last weekend, as there's loads going round this neck of the woods. Loved the letter and it reminded me of that Korean (?) Cardinal Sin!

    1. It's only Friday night and I can already see the weekend slipping away from me. Daytime and early evening tomorrow are booked with other things.
      Hope you haven't caught Covid or if you do you get over it quickly.
      I'd forgotten about Cardinal Sin! :-) Wonder if he's ever been round here. Lots of Koreans in my neck of the woods. Lots of them Christians - between them and the Poles they keep the churches going.

    2. And don't forget Reverend Canaan Banana! Sadly I fear it is Covid as identical symptoms to SWMBO. I could do a test but as I no longer work, little point in doing so. The game is still set up but the rugby plus the 'vid put pay to it being played last night:(.

  11. Great looking set up, be nice to do it over several tables for the great Italian wars in 28mm! I liked the ray of sunlight!
    Best Iain caveadsum1471
