Thursday 8 October 2020

Ideas for walks

This article popped up into my ‘suggested items’ feed thingy in Google this evening.

The MOD has control of a lot of land which can be walked on at specified times. The great benefit of it being used by the military is that nature is protected from development (but not from being blown to bits eh 😉).

The area the article focuses on is not far from the stomping ground of MS Foy, but there are others listed around the country. Worth a look, but take your metal detector!


  1. Beautiful country that would make for many enjoyable hikes. Perhaps you could coordinate a joint hiking effort with Tony?

  2. I really enjoyed the article as it is about the side of Edinburgh I grew up in and Inused to walk in the Pentlands.

  3. It certainly looks beautiful. I remember from one of Tony’s posts that ‘law’ means ‘hill’ so Castlelae Hill is one of those geographical tortologies.

  4. It's funny I've been working recently in an MOD training area, complete with wild horses and you turn a corner and stumble on a platoon getting a pep talk or a bunch of gurkhas building a bridge!
    Best Iain
