Wednesday 1 July 2020

Nantwich III - Coming soon

Yes, Byron is back. The man they couldn't kill is back to face his arch-nemesis, Black Tom Fairfax.

I decided to finally get around to trying the estimable M. Foy's ECW CnC derivative rules using his Ramekin variant for command. I picked Nantwich because it's a battle I've tried before so I have some sort of point of comparison, and because it's an interesting scenario. I'll be using the gymnastics mat again to expand the table size from 8' by 3' to 8' by 4'. This give a bit more depth and room to manoeuvre. The grid will be 18 by 8 hexes. Wider but not as deep as the standard CnC board.

I'm hoping to get a mini-game in one evening this week to have a run through the game mechanics. Just a couple of horse and foot regiments a side.

I've plotted the start positions for the main game, with units starting more or less where they were in my last attempt at Nantwich.

Royalist Dispositions
(1) 15:00
NE of Acton - Gibson
W of Nantwich on Acton road - Huncke (Muskets only - maybe start as if they already had two losses).
Guns to go in front of Acton.

(2) 15:30-16:30 (turns 3 to 7)
Warren (F), Earnley (F) & R.Byron (H&F) to left of Gibson heading west in that order. Come on in 2 or 3 batches in successive turns

Parliamentarian Dispositions
Order of march:

PF: Pioneers and Forlorn Hope - possibly play as a weak musket only unit if they come into combat. These will cut through the hedgerows negating the movement penalty for following troops.
L: Lambert's Horse
B: Brereton's Foot
A: Assheton's foot
G: Guns
Bg: Baggage
H: Holland (F)
Bo: Booth (F)
WF: Wm Fairfax (H)
TF: Thos Fairfax (H)
Dragoons will follow.

Garrison in Nantwich: (Muskets only)  - sortie between 4:30 and 5:30. Will dice for which turn.

Late edit: Just realised this was my first post with the new Blogger. Seemed to work easily enough, apart from not being able to get the Preview function to work. Any ideas?


  1. Looking forward to Nantwich! As for PREVIEW, are you in "Draft" or "Scheduled" post status when you click on the "eye" icon? PREVIEW works for me in those situations. If you have published, the "eye" icon brings up VIEW.

    1. Hi Jon. Thanks for the tip. I assume that I was in “draft” mode. I just got a pop-up which said “preparing preview” then nothing happened. I wonder if it’s the old Mac/Safari-Google incompatibility issue. I’ll see how I get on with a draft from my phone and in Firefox.

  2. If loading lots of pictures in the new Blogger, find the folder and select them, don't drag and drop. I found that the latter approach ends up with them out of sequence (which for a battle report is a pain in the bum).

    1. Thanks KK. For this post drag and drop worked smoothly enough but point noted about multiple pics.
