Saturday 29 October 2022

Tee-shirt weather

Very limited activity on the wargaming front since the early part of the month. That's largely down to a work trip which ate up the best part of two weeks. I did intend to visit the National Museum of the Pacific War Jonathan whilst on the Texas leg of the trip, but when I actually looked at the route planner the time taken to drive would have been nearly two hours each way and that wouldn't have left long to spend looking around.   But you can read about it on Jonathan Freitag's blog post from last month:

It was like stepping back into the hottest summer over there, but apparently 30+ degree Celsius temperatures are usual during Fall* in Texas. It was cooler but still very summery by British standards on the West Coast. It was back to reality in Blighty, where I was greeted by grey skies and downpours. We're in the middle of a series of warm weather though, blowing in off the Atlantic. Today here it's reached 22 degrees and a walk in the park meant tee-shirt order. Not particularly sunny at first, but boy was it warm!

Ladies of leisure: these beauties were sat close to the path.

Looking back the way we came, up a long slope. Surrey hills in the distance (south).

View to the north east from the nearly same spot. A bit too hazy for my camera. I figure that is Hampstead Heath/Parliament Hill in the background. Makes you realise that London is surrounded by quite high hills.

Wargaming wise, all I've managed to do, bar reading, is finish off the bases on six brigades. 1 French foot, 2 French horse and 3 Hanoverian horse. Hopefully I'll be able to crack on with painting the French foot that I started before work got in the way.


  1. Just bizarrely warm here too Chris, but not quite to your temps though, which makes it feel hard to feel we are in Autumn and close to Halloween and Bonfire Night. Gaming OK'ish here but little painting of late.

    1. By my standards you’ve had a good gaming period!

    2. Well Chris it's only just kicked off again and one reason I'm trying the 2' x 2' table route is to try and get more, smaller games in when time is limited, which is often.

  2. A shame the side trip to the Pacific War museum proved unviable Chris, a bit annoying when you get so close to something like that but then can't quite make it! It's been raining here for about twenty four hours but the week prior has been warm and sunny, so I don't mind the odd day or two of rain...will help the garden if nothing else!

    1. Yes it is. I thought it would only be an hour looking at the map. If I’d got my act together earlier on the Saturday I would have had time. But then I might have missed watching Grimsby’s away win at Stockport (you can watch the live streams abroad).
      Next time hopefully.

  3. Chris, too bad the Pacific War Museum was a museum too far but hopefully you enjoyed your trip to the States. Weather looks good for you. Weather here is much cooler with some showers. Our Indian Summer looks to have vanished.

    Good progress on the painting front too. Excellent!

    1. The trip was very successful. It was great to get together with the team, most of whom I’ve not met in person as there’s been so much turnover since the last time.

  4. Great photos - you'll be reassured to learn that here in the Scottish Borders it is cold and wet. I drove to Duns today, and my car is covered in mud. Excellent.

    1. That is reassuring Tony. When I heard it was fine and 18 degrees in Hartlepool, I was getting worried. Don’t ask about the result 😤.
      Hope you had a good day otherwise.

  5. The deer look magnificent!
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. They are beautiful aren’t they. It’s great to be so close and see the power that these fragile creatures have when they get up and flit away in a few swift bounds.
