Sunday 22 May 2022

Goetz on Austerlitz

Is this book any good? Naval and Military Press have it on sale for £3.99. Not my main period but I love a bargain.


  1. I bought and read Goetz when published almost twenty years ago so my memory is likely not that good on the details or my impression from back then. What I do recall is a very detailed battle account and an equally detailed OB. The OB is revisionist in that it shows the French not as outnumbered as earlier works. A more balanced approach is presented with respect to the Allies than most works. I used the OBs to stage several 200-year anniversary Wargames. I suggest it is worth the bargain price for the OB alone. At that price, buy it, read it, and report back.

  2. At £3.99 it must be worth a punt. A cup of coffee costs more than that!

  3. Thanks fellahs. I ordered the book. The postage came to more than the book price!
