Thursday 27 June 2024

It’s that time of the year again

Time to get those rugs out and washed. If you have this equipment handy:


  1. Fascinating, such an excellent idea. The Finns certainly come up with the goods don’t they!

    Alan Tradgardland

    1. I put it down to the long, dark winters. There’s plenty of time to think things through.
      There’s a really old one of those cleaning things down on the waterfront in Helsinki that is in a prime ‘redevelopment’ site, but a campaign to preserve it won out, so now it’s protected as an important cultural artefact. First time I went there, seeing all the people from the surrounding flats scrubbing away added to the sense I was in a really foreign place.

  2. I remember we used to beat our grandparents rugs out with a cane beater, hanging over the washing line and dust going everywhere. Never washed them as far as I know. Finland obviously more advanced than us;).

    1. Yes, I remember my mum beating the rugs in the garden, down the side of the house where there were no doors or windows. There's probably not as much muck and grit on Finnish rugs as they are a 'no shoes in the house' culture like Japan. In fact it is such a clean place the Japanese tend to like it. That and a shared love of the Moomins of course.

  3. She has frighteningly white teeth.. :D

    1. Yes, there's something mesmeric about them 😄.
