Wednesday 19 June 2024

ECW Podcast

My listening list is getting too long for my commuting. One podcast that has pushed its way into my list is The World Turned Upside Down. It’s towards the academic end of the spectrum, so don’t expect details about tactics at Marston Moor or the colours of Prince Rupert’s regiment of foot. But it is well worth a listen if you’re into the wider picture. I’ve just listened to the episode on Basing House and it’s a belter.


  1. Thanks for the heads up on this , I will give it a go…
    Alan Tradgardland

  2. I was listening to Radio 4's the Media Show yesterday and I was surprised at how popular podcasts are/have become. The presenters of the top ones can earn some serious money (million £ plus)! Whilst tempted by the medium, I just don't have the time nor frankly the inclination at present to listen to something. Maybe it's due to having endured the radio in various workshops for some 30 odd years and so now appreciated the silence of nature!

    1. I can't concentrate properly when working if I am listening to something. I'm Ok when painting figures though. Podcasts are a good accompaniment then I find, but can understand if you spent your working life with broadcast sound it might be too much.
