Saturday 20 April 2024

Test base sizes

I finally got the time to start the preparation of the Punic War figures I bought. I've put some sample groups together.

Pic 1 has 3 lines of Hastati and 1 of Triares.

1st Line: 2 ranks of 5 on 4x3cm

2nd Line: 2 ranks of 6 on 4x3cm

3rd Line: 2 ranks of 5 on 3x2cm

Pic 1

Pic 2 - Triares
2 ranks of 5 on 3x3cm
1 rank of 6 on 3x2cm
Pic 2

Pic 3

Pic 3

Line 1: 2 ranks of 6 Hastati on 4x3cm

Line 2: 2 ranks of 6 Triares on 4x3cm

Looking at all that, I'm minded to go for bases 3x3cm with 2 ranks of 5, or 4xcm bases with 2 ranks of 6. The extra depth makes handling safer and has a reasonable amount of spacing for men who are supposed to throw pila. Probably the former as this permits 4 bases of Hastati, 4 of Principes and 2 of Triari as the heavy infantry element of a legion. This will fit nicely on one of my hexes.

Mini Update

I still haven't taken the plunge on the basing. Peter is right that bases 3cm wide will be fiddly. A legion (inc cavalry) will require at least 20 bases with this scheme.

Velites 8; Hastati 4; Principes 4; Triari 2; Cavalry 2.

Sabots will help, but that just delays the whole process while I decide how that will work.  But never fear, I have thoughts of a radical solution that doesn't involve sabots but does give me what I want to do. I will test it tomorrow.

I have however nearly completed the painting of a legion and started a second, which is some sort of progress.


  1. First rule of basing. Which ever size you decide on now will be wrong in six months time.

    1. πŸ˜†That’s why I’m going to agonise over it. I’m already having third and fourth thoughts over it.
      Like, why don’t I go for bases 6x3cm with 20-24 figures on them?

    2. For Impetvs-style basing, 6cm x 3cm with 20-24 figures would look good. When the choice is between single stand BMUs or multi-stand BMUs, I gravitate toward the former almost every time. Almost.

    3. I have spent ages over the years rebasing, steeping figures to get them off bases and changing my mind- again and again. Still never learn.
      Alan Tradgardland

    4. I would be interested to see a trial photo using Jon’s basing idea. Sounds well worth considering…
      Alan Tradgardland

  2. 2nd Rule of Basing. Collect armies for both sides. Base them how YOU like. Be done with it.

    1. That’s what I’m doing.

    2. And then find they’re “wrong” in six months time. lol.

    3. Buy my new book - Zen and the art of miniatures basing - in which I guide you through the disappointment of basing things “incorrectly” and bring you to the realisation that although you’ll always find a rule set your figures don’t work with the miniatures actually look lovely so screw those rules fascists and their so called correct proportions.

    4. Brilliant! Now you’ve explained it, I don’t need to buy your book!

  3. If you have a hexed gaming mat it is always tempting to go with the largest base that fits comfortably in the hex. Larger bases are less fiddly.

    1. True. Sabots are one solution to that.

  4. Sounds like a difficult decision Chris. My one suggestion would be to use a weak glue so the figures come off easily when you change your mind. πŸ˜‚

  5. I hope you make a decision soon Chris - I would like to see the figures you have painted!

    1. I hope I make a decision soon too Keith πŸ˜†

  6. Normally I go for multiple bases, but for this period, I would be tempted to go with just one, for ease of manouevreing.

    1. I finally placed an order and went with the 6x3cm size.
