Sunday, 8 December 2024

Change of mind

In a rare moment of decisiveness, and an even rarer change of direction, I decided to paint not the Württemberg  Auxilliary Corps but more French! I don't know where the thought came from, but I took a look at what I had already. 21 bases of mounted, 44 bases of unmounted and 6 of artillery. Clearly not enough. Or more specifically, not enough Swiss/Irish, guards and Germans. When I first decided to do the French I was doing a loot of 'proxying'. Redcoats could double-up as Swiss OR Irish and bluecoats as guards or Germans*. Since I went full on megalomaniac, such a woeful state of affairs could no longer be tolerated. The Württembergers would have to wait. For now Prussians will be their proxies.

The first batch of French I painted a couple of years ago.

* Specifically the 'German' regiments on the French establishment (e.g. Royal Bavière and, oddly, Royal Pologne) and not the various auxiliary contingents (Palatinate, Württemberg). Even more specifically, the blue-coated German regiments - Kronoskaf has Deux Ponts down as white-coated.

There followed a consultation of the orders of battle for the big SYW engagements, and I worked out the maximum of each regimental type required. The conclusions, in terms of bases, were as follows:

  • Gardes Francaises - 2
  • Gardes Suisses - 1
  • Irish** - 3
  • Swiss - 6
  • Germans - 6
  • French line - 34

As my current redcoats units are in blue breeches, I'll nominate these as the Swiss. Only 1 Irish regiment were in blue breeches. I have 2 bluecoated bases and 32 white-coated ones. The decision then was to paint up the 3 Gardes and 3 Irish. There's a couple left over which will probably be the 'missing' 2 French line. That makes me short of Germans (4 bases). And the Württembergers of course. And perhaps Palatines. Which means another order for H&R. But I'd better check my cavalry stocks. I have enough 'spares' for 3 bases.

** I think Regiment Lally was in India for much of the SYW, but was around in the WAS. However, the Royal Écossais (blue-coats) were sometimes brigaded with the Irish. The Scots carried a rather natty saltire based flag, so I'm tempted to do them.

I got most of the way through the Gardes and the Irish whilst listening to the footie, which surprisingly wasn't called off with the storm striking western Britain and Ireland. Surprising given it was by the Lancashire coast. Also surprising was the result: Morecambe 0 Grimsby 3. Coming on top of a 5-2 home win on Tuesday. Despite still having a negative goal difference, Town are within a couple of points of the automatic promotion places. Or, trying to keep my feet firmly planted on the ground, 15 points from safety with 27 games to go.


  1. Based upon your rate of popping out new units, you will be back to the Wurttembergers in no time.

    1. Not this year in all probability. The lead time on an order will take us into the New Year. And I aim to get some games in over Christmas/New Year.

    2. Hopefully, we can get you to the table over the holidays. I am pondering digging out the Old West collection and offering up a Holiday Gunfight. Have not had these figures out in close to twenty years.

    3. Hey, you’re talking to the Clee Kid. My six-shooters haven’t blown off smoke in many years.
      Chris/Nundanket/The Clee Kid

  2. Agree with Jon - whatever you do this week, Chris, the missing units will be added in the near future. In the meantime, your immediate plans look good!

  3. Look forward to more progress reports. Perhaps the win was wind assisted Chris?

    1. Could be true Richard, except they change ends at half time.

  4. What can one do when the Muse points us in a new direction, other than follow her lead😉?! Fine work as always and you are certainly amassing some large forces there Chris.

    1. Indeed. She is not to be denied Steve.

  5. While you may be changing mind, you are still painting figures and progressing (especially with the French armies).

  6. I'm also planning Wurttembergers, well a brigade, but after the Bavarians, in the meantime I'm ploughing ahead with French Line whilst also debating whether or not to paint Irish in French service, French Imperial of course and not your red coated wild geese! No doubt your Wurttembergers will be painted before I;ve purchased mine, procurement being of the glacial nature in my neck of the woods! Enjoy the win while you can!
    Best Iain

    1. I wouldn’t bet on it Iain. I haven’t ordered any figures yet. It’s amazing how long these relationships between the French and their various client-states were.
