Saturday 19 October 2024

Més que un exècit - or Hannibal's Army Are on Their Way

Barca's lads are taking shape. I've painted 6 units (5 based, but not 'textured') with 4 to go. The unpainted units include 5 elephants, Spanish cavalry, Numidian cavalry and Celtic swordsmen. I'm going to enjoy painting the plaid trousers!

Colour choices are more slapdash than usual because I have very limited knowledge of the period. So if everything looks like something out of a sword and sandal epic, I make no apologies.

The heavies: Libyan Spearmen and Liby-Phoenecian Phalangites. What I like about these models is I can use them as hoplites.

Spanish Scutari & cavalry with spears. The Scutari came with the heavier looking guys at the front (also swordsmen) so I figured they would be in the front, with the guys with small round shields (targes?) behind in looser formation ready to nip in to stick it to any unwary Romans.

A better view of the cavalry

Last but not least Balearic Trance Slingers. They're not all grey-haired old boys, they're meant to have some sort of fur caps (in my imagination).

After all the excesses of the SYW acquisitions, 10 units seems trifling.


  1. These bases look great, Chris! Once finished, perhaps give them a trial run-out with Commands & Colors?

    1. Thanks Jon. I was planning on Basic Impetus (gridded). I might dig out one of your scenarios.
      These fellahs have been sat in a box for months. Ironically it took me ordering troops from another period to make me pull my finger out.
