Sunday 30 June 2024

Stepping out

We went up to the Royal Academy of Dance HQ on Saturday afternoon for what looks to be the last ever ‘watching week’* for the youngest of the youngest. TYOTY has been going to RAD for a number of years now to do ‘vocational classes’ in parallel with the normal grade classes at the local ballet school. It looks like the last watching week because, subject to passing them, she has both grade 8 and Advanced 2 exams this week. She’s not confident of getting the required Distinction in the Advanced exam to qualify for the final vocational stage ‘Solo Seal’. Confidence took a hit with a foot injury which curtailed practice. Considering this all happened in the run up to A-Levels, she showed admirable resilience. Anyway, the degree of difficulty and the work undertaken was impressive. How people can remain balanced, whilst spinning around and bouncing on one foot is beyond me.

* watching week is a period close to the end of term at dance schools, when family/friends can go along and watch what the lessons consist of and see the progress the young dancers have made.

The building it’s in is pretty new, with up to date facilities. If you’re interested in that sort of thing, here’s an article on the topic:

There were some interesting items on display in the reception area. See pics below.

All of this is in stark contrast to the reputation of the housing estate that we walked through to get there. It may be because it was a nice Summer’s day and there was lots of greenery everywhere, but it didn’t feel like a no go zone. That’s London for you I guess.

Later in the evening, the Margravina and I stepped out again for a perambulation in the royal park, a meile from der Schloß. Here are some views across the Thames valley from one of the high points.

You can see Woking mum! The faint, towers in the distance are a vanity project that contributed to the bankruptcy of the Conservative led borough council (since voted out).


  1. Interesting and informative post about a world I know nothing of. Hope things go well for your daughter.
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Thanks Alan. It’s not something that I’m really up on either. My parents loved ballet and opera but it sort of passed me by.

  2. Our daughter loves to watch ballet, having done a bit of dance as a kid, which she gave up as school studies really kicked in at Secondary School age. She did carry on with piano though and got her Grade 8, which was good.

    We have a few rather dodgy areas in Bristol that are OK during the day (aside from recent spates of stabbings), but I wouldn't want to walk through them at night.

    1. Now that’s something that I’d like to do - piano. Good that your daughter carried it on. I believe doing something non-academic actually helps the academic studies. Subject to time management of course.
      I’m not so sure how I’d feel at night either.

  3. Well done to your daughter, my sister was a dancer for a living, we all went to dance school but I jacked it in at five! My daughter took her grade 8 recorder during covid but we can't track it down, she did grade 7 trombone, grade 6 piano and was singing until we put a stop to that, then she went to university and did English much to our surprise! She didn't touch a musical instrument during University but now she's back she's picking up piano and planning on joining a brass band!
    Best Iain

    1. Thanks Iain.
      When you say “she was singing until we put a stop to that” you make it sound like she was bad! Must have some musical talent with all those (varied) instruments. Piano is one of those things I wish I’d done. Maybe take it up when I retire?
      I too was in a brass band, for a few years in Boys Brigade!
