Wednesday 5 June 2024

It lives!

After a gap of over a month, I finally return. Things have been pretty quiet on the wargaming front here at the Schloß. Only today did I get down to any painting. In my defence, it hasn't all been down to lethargy. I did do some work in the garden (with the emphasis on some) towards the new veg planting area. Also, the Margravina caught something nasty in the chest and still isn't fully fit.

In that time I did take part in a couple of remote games hosted by Jon. Fornovo and Bassignana. Fornovo was a win with my co-commander Prometheus in Aspic himself, Tony (aka Max Foy). I won't give a plot spoiler on the Bassignana game, other than to say it was a dramatic finish in a close contest. This time it was England v the Auld Alliance (the Two Daves and myself being based in England, and Tony & Mark in exile in Scotland and France respectively).

The Punic War Romans have now all been painted. I just need to texture their bases. Then I'll look to get started on the Carthaginians. I had a day's leave today and cracked on with the second legion this afternoon. The paint job is rather simple, and I've gone for a uniform look for each legion (I don't know what the degree of uniformity was in this period) but adding variety would really slow things down. One thing that discouraged going for more detail was the fact that I found these figures harder to paint than the H&R SYW range. Anyway, here is the result.

The second legion. Colour scheme red clothing with white shields

Both legions

Couple of gratuitous pics from recent walks. Walks have been rather limited in number and length recently due to the indisposition of my companion. I did a river walk last month with Lincolnshire Tom and Mrs Lincolnshire, and might post some of the pictures later. This was a route I last did about ten years ago, so it was good to go back and see how things had changed.

Isabella Plantation, Richmond Park

As above

Clearing in woods at Wimbledon Common

A bientôt!


  1. Turned out very nicely indeed! I do enjoy your walk photos too. I do hope your better half is feeling better soon, these chesty type lurgy are so draining and fatiguing. I am due to have a crack at Bassignana myself with Jon etc on Friday…
    Alan Tradgardland

    1. Thank you Alan. On all counts.
      Have a great game on Friday. I’ve done Bassignana from opposite sides, and it’s challenging both ways.

    2. Makes me think of this-

  2. Your absence had been noted Chris - great to see you back and seems like you got SOME gaming work done, judging by progress on the legions! I would go for the classic uniformity of 1950's/60's movies and Asterix the Gaul every time, too (that's probably hundreds of years later then your period, but a Roman is a Roman, innit?!)
    Nice to see a few walks too - my wife has gone off bush walking over the last few months, hence the dearth of images of dense bush and occasional scenic views on my own blog!

    1. Cheers Keith!
      Those old sword and sandal epics are probably why red features so much in my colour scheme. No cloaks on any of the figures though! What are they thinking of?
      I’ll have to dust off the pics of my most recent river walk then. Hopefully you’ll get Mrs Keith back on the walking trails again soon. In the meantime, at least we’ve had your lads’ boat trips to marvel at.

  3. great looking figures Norm. My Romans are painted as per Hollywood 😂 Not realistic perhaps but I think they look great.
    Lovely looking walk. It is always nice to get outside and walk in nature.

    1. I don’t know if it’s just age, but I feel more and more like it’s healing to be around trees and plants.

    2. My apologies Chris. I am getting my blogs confused!
      First sign of the apocalypse or dementia 😂

    3. 😆 No worries Ben. Happens to us all.

  4. Good to see you back in action as it were Chris! Nice work on those Romans and in the smaller scales, keeping the colours uniform and simple really does speed things up. Hope the Margravina feels better soon and due to the weather, real life etc it's been far too many months since my wife and I got out for a proper walk:(.

    1. Thanks Steve. She’s getting better slowly (been back in work this week) and she’s up for a trip to Chelsea Physic Garden on Sunday. Can’t help but feel there should be a k at the end of Physic in this case.

  5. Good to see you back at the blog, Chris! Doubly good that we remained in contact through our games during your blogging hiatus. Lovely armies and lovely landscapes.

    1. Thanks Jon. Those games are a lifeline.
      More pics to publish soon.

  6. Very nice Romans old fruit. Top stuff. Good to know you’ve been doing something other than kicking my arse at the games table. lol.

    1. Not a huge amount of stuff though. That second lot of Romans was just a few hours work.
      As for arse kicking….i think I got a few bruises myself along the way,

  7. Those Romans look great Chris.
    Lovely pictures of your little garden. No wonder you had a bit of work to do out there, hahahahaha ;)

    1. We need more staff James to keep all that land in good order 😉
